Contract killer

Assassins, each box are
A phenomenon in solid films. Often charming men in sharp suits. Assassins are a popular subject in crime films, but also in comedies. They are murderers who commit murder for a fee. Another name for assassin's hitman or contract killer. But they aren’t just fiction. Also in real life people earn their living as a hitman. The revolving credit is a common form of borrowing
Yellow Pages
An assassin is difficult to approach. And not without reason. Murder is punishable as a murderer and let yourself let alone. A hitman could well look at his work for sale to walk. They are therefore often inconspicuous types. In some cases they have their killer activity besides a regular job, not too much to notice. Earning tons of money should do to somehow be justified. For that reason you will not find an assassin in the Yellow Pages. Often they are in a difficult way to find and must first many others to be accessed.
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Professional or amateur
There is - and this may sound a bit crazy - a difference between professional and amateur hitmen. To begin with the amateur, this is often a single person approached to - for a fee - to remove someone. This may be a friend service, for example to divert a bad husband, a new relationship in any way. This goes wrong with any regularity. The killer is often enough in domestic circles, and sought in this situation then also found. When we talk about a professional, we are talking about someone who knows what he's doing. Often experience in the business. A professional will not easily make a mistake and his continuous attention to keep his task without being distracted by emotion. These are just a nuisance.
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The way a professional assassin is generally the same. After contact, a first payment made. Often half the agreed amount - which incidentally is difficult to say something, one person is worth one million, while another less than a thousand poses - in advance and the rest afterwards. Some assassins offer the option to regret. This means that until the last minute decided to be the murder not to let go. In that case, the hitman the advance, but will not be paid the rest. Until this has been discussed previously, will pose few problems. After killing the person in question may be that the assassin is responsible for disposing of the body. There is usually paid extra for. When the client appreciates, the assassin makes a picture as proof. Then the two all their own way back.
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The clients of mercenaries are quite broad from ironing. As mentioned, may be a friend service, so a woman who orders her husband to murder. But in most cases contract killings are held in organized crime. Thus, many of liquidations occurred in the underworld, much of which was the work of hired assassins. But major multinational companies and even governments have hired killers in the arm closed, certain individuals - who in one way or another a threat constituted - to another world to help. Online personal loan closing may be the revolving credit is a flexible loan form
The assassin in film
In films are often presented as assassins men in dark suits, sunglasses and silver-gray cases. In real life often want different. As said, an assassin a perfectly normal, peaceful home father. A hitman falls for that reason virtually unrecognizable. Also, movies or games have often said that assassins working for solid bodies. In most cases there is no. They operate as a freelancer and have little to do with others. Can borrow money quickly via the Internet and SMS
A while back there was an ad to discredit Russia, where a deadly assassin offered its services, including prices. Through his phone, he quickly identified and arrested. EBay has an assassin on his services tied, including prices for the use of many weapons. Also has there ever been a call on Dutch Marktplaats, a woman who was looking for a hit man to deal with her husband.
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